
Gain a clearer picture of your people

All the information you need to set your team up for success

Effectively managing a department not only requires insight into your people, but also ways to act on those insights to enable meaningful change. With ChartHop, you’ll have access to everything you need to understand what’s happening on your team and report on people metrics to various stakeholders, including your board or investors. You can also create headcount plans, manage compensation, and report on the progress of your people initiatives.

Performance and Compensation Together

Use performance ratings, goal attainment information or other data to inform compensation decisions. Empower your leaders to see the full picture when making compensation adjustments. Works best with ChartHop's Performance module or import data from other sources.

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Secure Collaboration

Collaborate securely across HR, Finance, and leadership. Give leaders access to update only the data they need in the cycle. Create unique access roles for key supporters like HRBPs or Finance Analysts. Preview before launch to see exactly what each stakeholder will see.

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Real-time Budget Tracking

Understand the overall company budget impact in real-time with visualizations broken down by team, department, and more. Give your leadership the information they need without complicated, fragile spreadsheet models.

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Secure Scenario Planning

Quickly share scenario plans with the right people. Build privately then share or combine scenarios with other leaders. Confidently share plans using configurable access controls to securely restrict what data is visible to each person.

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AI Summaries

Use AI to instantly summarize hundreds of open-ended responses within an engagement survey. Generate summaries for all responses or for certain subsets of employees to better understand patterns and emerging themes.

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Securely Share Survey Results

Empower managers and executives to understand engagement data while keeping sensitive information safe. Allow specific users to safely explore and analyze their team's data with smart reporting limits.

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Engagement Data Analysis

Use dashboards to analyze engagement alongside your other people data for deeper insights. Break down results by department, team, gender, race, age group, or any other data point you want. Track survey compliance and drive full participation.

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Historical Performance Record

Use employees' profiles as the source of truth for people's current and past performance records. Make historical performance ratings, goals, 1:1 notes, feedback, and recognition accessible to employees and their current managers.

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