ChartHop Feature: Maps to Help Visualize Your People

Mar 22, 2023
Reading time: 6 min

You use your org chart to see where employees sit within your company…but how about where they sit in the world?

With ChartHop Maps, an employee engagement feature, you can encourage connection among employees and equip your People team and managers with the information they need to make strategic decisions.

maps in charthop gif

How Maps Help Your Entire Workforce

With ChartHop’s Map feature, you can see who sits where, literally. With this information in tow (and security in mind), leaders can securely view exact addresses (for everything from sending swag to enacting location-based contingency plans) and colleagues can see city-level views (perfect for coffee meet-ups and brainstorming sessions).


ChartHop Maps provides a general view of where employees are located. Time to schedule that working lunch at your favorite spot in Chelsea.

Specifically, ChartHop’s Map:

  • Enables Decision-Making: When leaders see their people across the Map, they’re able to quickly plan for specific teams (such as preferred time zones) or make decisions based on location (such as compensation or determining the location for your next company off-site).
  • Encourages Engagement: The Map helps employees quickly navigate to nearby employee profiles, enabling them to learn more about their colleagues.
  • Fosters Connections: From organizing a happy hour to engaging in a friendly sports rivalry, employees can use the information on the Map to set up their own in-person meet-ups and connect beyond work-related topics.

How to Use ChartHop’s Map Feature

Below you’ll find more detailed information about how to set up and use Maps within ChartHop, no matter if your people are working in-person, remotely, or a mixture of the two.

Q: How do I update settings to reflect my employees’ current addresses?

Follow these two easy steps to set up or modify addresses in ChartHop.

1. Update Office Settings

Whether you’re switching work policies or new to ChartHop, you’ll want to start by determining your office settings. Go to your office location settings page, edit your offices, and update Location Type. If you choose to set your office to Remote, everyone’s Work Location will be their Home Address if not modified.

change in location ChartHop

Simply name and toggle on and off features to set your office location.

2. Ask Employees to Update Their Location

If you’ve already collected remote addresses, you can upload a CSV with a unique identifier and the address information. Download the .csv template here.

It’s also a good practice for employees to modify their current work location if they’ve moved or plan on residing elsewhere for an extended period of time.

Example reminder to employees:

If you’re working from a remote location other than your home address, please follow this link to update it. Once everyone has updated their location, you’ll be able to view our distributed team using the Map on ChartHop.

Q: How do I use ChartHop to send a message to employees in certain locations?

To send a message to your entire organization, navigate to your Org Settings. Choose the Home page tab and scroll to the bottom, then enter the custom message you would like displayed on the home Dashboard for everyone.

charthop announcement contingency plan

Use the ChartHop Map feature to determine who needs to receive what message when it comes to the unexpected.

Q: How can I quickly navigate the ChartHop Map to find what I’m looking for?

If you’re looking for a specific person, simply type their name into the search bar.

Find specific teams, departments, and functions within the Map view with the following:

  • Drop Down Filter: Select any field to color-code your map (e.g. Team)
  • Search Bar Filter: Enter any filter or search (e.g. [directs > 0] to filter for managers)

This view shows employees (current workforce and future headcount plans) in New York filtered by department.

Q: Who has visibility and access to the information?

Your employees’ privacy is important, which is why ChartHop includes security settings so only the right people have access to the right data.

In order to protect employee privacy, exact addresses and locations are concealed, and map pinpoints are randomized based on zip code. A privacy note has been added to the map to reflect this and ease any employee privacy concerns. Additionally, the Map does not provide sensitive information like specific compensation.

Only essential contextual information is displayed on employee details, such as:

  • Location
  • Reporting manager
  • Team
  • Department
  • As a reminder, you can change privacy settings so leaders like your C-suite, People team, and specific managers can see pertinent, location-based information.
ChartHop map with profile

Equip leaders with a quick snapshot of their workforce with an expanded profile. Here, the People team can see Clark’s salary and bonus information.

Ready to get started? Use your Map to foster greater connectivity among team members.

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