How Upright Consolidates HR Tools into a Single Source of Truth with ChartHop

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Discover how ChartHop helped Upright:

  • Consolidate their tech stack and empower managers to better support their employees
  • Empower leaders with information to drive decisions
  • Mitigate bias in their performance review process

Uprightis the leading hard money lender, investment fintech, and SaaS solution, helping real estate investors create wealth and transform their neighborhoods and communities.

Systems Operations Manager Bailey Fischer and People Ops Architect Chris Hall spent months looking todivest from a tangle of HR tech tools and to better invest their time and resources.

Here’s what they did.

When an HRIS Isn’t the Answer

Looking to centralize their people data and reporting functionality, but hesitant to onboard a totally new HRIS, Upright found themselves in a predicament typical of growing organizations.

According to Bailey, “We had a couple of different tools that we were using and we were combining different data points into spreadsheets and reporting functions. It was a much more manual process and our team was struggling with getting it into one spot where we could do a lot more with it.“

To solve this problem, they evaluated a few different HRIS’ to manage their people data and even considered upgrading their existing PEO.

Ultimately, the team decided ChartHop’s ability to pull data directly from their PEO provided the unified view of their people they were looking for.

Describing the impact of this decision, Chris shares, “From an HR perspective, ChartHop brings all the information into one place which makes informed decision-making easier. The feedback I’ve received from the team is that the data sheet and reporting in ChartHop is much easier to navigate than our previous systems.”

Something for Everyone in a People Ops Platform

A one-stop shop for people data doesn’t just benefit the People team. By bringing their performance management process from a separate tool into ChartHop, Upright has been able to consolidate their tech stack and empower managers to better support their employees.

Pulling directly from the PEO, ChartHop is the source of truth for people data and operations, enabling everything from connecting Upright employees via the visual org chart to helping a manager see a holistic view of their team on a personalized dashboard.

This has been a boon for the wider team. Chris reflects, “As many companies do, we’ve definitely struggled with tech system fatigue. But having a centralized place to see performance data or any other kinds of data that are all captured in one place has been super helpful for our management team.”

Combatting system fatigue takes intentional change management. As part of Upright’s move to ChartHop, they decided to stop using a separate performance management system and move their performance processes onto ChartHop. To help drive employee adoption during the transition, Upright’s People team took the opportunity to showcase to employees ChartHop’s ease-of-use and all the additional functionality they’d now have access to. The ability to transfer historical performance data from the old performance management system into ChartHop provided much needed continuity for a smooth transition. They also made sure to clearly communicate ahead of time when access to the old tool would be shut off. This approach was well-received. “The feedback has been great. People have really enjoyed getting into ChartHop and the transition went really smoothly,” says Bailey.

Beyond One and Done Performance Management

For feedback and performance management to be the most effective, it has to be continuous and contextual. And for Upright, ChartHop is the place where those ongoing conversations happen.

“Just being able to have ChartHop as a hub to do 1:1s, where managers and employees can capture information and progress throughout the month, the quarter, and the year is really huge. We’re seeing huge gains and wins here in productive communication and feedback,” explains Chris.

And the wins don’t stop there. Early in 2023 Upright had their first organization-wide performance cycle. Managing the process through ChartHop, they had 100% participation!

This new process introduced a more comprehensive view of employee performance. Seeing manager reviews, self-evaluations, and 360 reviews alongside historical performance data all in one place mitigates potential bias in the process. Bailey explains the difference in employee evaluations with and without a people operations platform: “With ChartHop Performance Reviews, we are able to make better decisions on compensation and promotion cycles. Whereas before it was just pulling a spreadsheet together, our People team is now able to use ChartHop to empower leaders with information to drive decisions.”

Teaching the Team to Fish For Answers to People Questions

Having a People Operations Platform has transformed how Upright’s HR team and managers are able to access their people data. “ChartHop has improved how we’re able to respond to manager and employee questions about people data. Before when we received a question, even after going to multiple systems, we still weren’t confident in the answer. Now, we have one place to go to be able to answer the question,” says Bailey. “And we’re even able to show that manager or employee how they can find that answer next time. We’re no longer having to answer these one-off questions throughout the day, saving us time as a People team.”

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